Under construction

  • Under construction

    If you have already started construction or renovation of a property, the Hubiq team will promptly join the project and help implement technological solutions for building management, operation, and security.

    Hubiq experts have experience working with projects in the implementation stage — we can quickly mobilize resources and focus them on completing your project, integrating construction and technological processes.

  • Our role in the project

    When carrying out large-scale construction projects, Hubiq acts as a single technical contractor. Our company develops an overall concept for implementing various technical solutions and executes the project in a "one-stop-shop" format.

    Our solutions are based on the customer’s business goals and are coordinated with all stakeholders of the construction project. As a result, this transforms into a successful experience for the end-user.

  • Our approach

    We will conduct an audit of the project, the state of the building being erected or renovated, and propose the most optimal and efficient systems and ways to integrate them into the existing project.

    Our goal is to make the project economically efficient for the business and comfortable for the end-user using technology.

  • Long-term cooperation

    We strive for long-term collaboration. After installing and launching the equipment, we regularly carry out checks, support, and optimization of solutions, increasing their efficiency.

    For us, it is essential that the properties in which we participated in technological equipping are successful and competitive. It is important to us that our ideas are implemented and help clients achieve their goals — reducing costs and increasing profits.

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