About us

Discover more about us and
our approach in the presentation


The essence of the company’s activity is embedded in its name: hub + IQ — high technology concentrated in one place.

Our team creates and implements smart spaces that work for our clients’ businesses:

  • providing a unique customer experience,
  • creating competitive advantages,
  • increasing property appeal for tenants,
  • guaranteeing a rapid return on investment,
  • enhancing real estate asset value.

Our strategic goal is to increase the share of high-tech spaces in a relatively conservative real estate market and ensure that technology works at its full potential.

Hubiq specialists practice an approach where technology simplifies real estate operations. We don’t use standard solution packages — we offer each client solutions that will work in their project. Every proposal is justified and aimed at long-term benefits.

About Hubiq

Embracing the future
of digital smart spaces

As a systems integrator, we see the future in digital smart spaces across all real estate segments. Today, they provide a competitive advantage in any area:

  • boosting office work efficiency,
  • creating a unique customer experience fora hotel guests,
  • changing consumer patterns in retail and e-commerce,
  • improving the quality of education,
  • helping to create a "technological" coziness and special atmosphere at home.

Our team creates unique projects in multiple segments: office, hospitality, retail, educational, and residential.

  • Customer focus

    Each of our clients is an important player in the real estate market. Their experience, expertise, and market influence are unique. That’s why we approach each client individually, catering to their business processes, strategy, status, and reputation.

  • Teamwork

    A quality project requires well-coordinated teamwork and mutually beneficial collaboration. We practice an approach that considers not only input from the client but also from the architect, developer, and other project stakeholders.

  • Inventiveness

    We value creativity and the courage to seek unconventional technical solutions. We spare no expense in training and investing in top professionals in their fields.

  • Initiative

    It’s not in our rules to turn a blind eye to problems. When an unforeseen situation arises, we promptly notify all involved stakeholders and initiate the search for an optimal solution.

  • High standards

    Other construction process participants depend on our work, just as we depend on them. We responsibly fulfill our commitments and expect the same from adjacent contractors on-site.

Project examples

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